Sunday, May 19, 2024

Stultified, inert, anxious, once again but . . . the countdown is on for Istanbul

This is a test to see if you ladies (and gentlemen) are able to access the blog, at this late stage. 

It's Monday morning and I've been up all night, not able to sleep for worry. The plane leaves tomorrow (Tuesday) night. I'm sure I'll be all right once I get on the plane, but the lead up is always difficult these days. Not excitement but fear. 

I'll add a photo below, just to practice doing that again and for you to check if you can see it. You should be familiar with my subject. 

I've changed my WhatsApp number back to the Australian one, and you should get a message on your WhatsApp that tells you that. 🤞🤞


  1. What about this afternoon? I have a couple of errands to run this morning.

  2. Hello Maria
    I'm sending you a greeting.

  3. Hello Maria
    Greetings from Sophie

  4. Thanks for the soup Sophie!
