Thursday, May 23, 2024

Istanbul: Sights, Trams and Food! Just as good the second time

The sights: yesterday I spent a couple of hours in the Basilica Cistern which "was built in the 6th century during the reign of the Byzantine emperor, Justinian" (More information here: Wikipedia entry. I was so impressed that when I'd got to the end of the path, I sneaked back through again. But the crush of tourists eventually made me leave. I could have stayed all day except for the lack of seating, and the aforementioned tourists. 


  1. There is always a problem with the tourists. Even though the place is spectacular, we may be impatient due to the noise or number of people around us... quite nerve-racking.

  2. Hello Maria
    It's not me on the above comment.
    Beautiful photos of the Basilica Cistern. No wonder you wanted to go back a second time. Amazing!
