Tuesday, May 28, 2024

A Stunning Achievement!

 Just a short note about a great success I had here purchasing a 10-trip card for the train. (Remember my failure in Istanbul?) I did it all by myself in Madrid, from a machine! Amazing what 8 years of Spanish class will do for you. I've used the metro to explore a couple of neighbourhoods around here that would have been too taxing to walk to.

Still walking painfully slowly, but I’ve signed up to go on a tapas and alcohol crawl tonight. As long as the others crawl as slowly as I do, I’ll be all right. Tomorrow I’m off bright and early to San SebastiĆ”n. 



  1. Well done . Quite an accomplishment and very beneficial. Hope the tapas was delicious. Rest your knee in between your travels . With a bit of luck the warmer weather might help too .šŸ„‚

  2. Hello Maria
    A new City is a welcome change.
    Well done organising your Train ticket.
    I like your Photo of the little grocery shop.
    Have fun exploring Madrid and Look after that knee.
