Saturday, June 8, 2024

Ávila: smaller, quieter but also with Roman walls

Arrived here yesterday, with no major dramas. The hotel where I'm staying has a backdoor which exits onto a path which follows the outside of the wall around, and a front door which exits onto a parallel street, which makes it handy for darting round the walls. 

This is the parallel street exit.

Yesterday, when I arrived, the receptionist told me the sky was so grey because of sand storms in Saudi Arabia. I remember in Mexico City, a year ago, feeling the sudden effects of one of those. 

Well, today dawned brisk, windy with some rain. I bought an umbrella. Now, however, the skies are blue and I'm off to walk along the walls now, hoping to get some nice blue-sky landscapes, maybe to add to this post when I return. See you then!

Walked a long way along the ramparts, taking photos, but none so good as this one taken just before I started.


  1. Hello Maria
    I'm glad you got to Avila ok.
    Looking at your photos it looks like a quiet little town. It's beautiful!
    Loved your photo of the Castle.

  2. Location location location. Those walls are incredible.
