Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Leaving Arequipa

The Cruz del Sur bus left just over an hour ago. Carlito had dropped us at the bus station. Alex is on a bus to Lima, with his soroche and his diarrhoea. We just had an announcement that the servicios are only for urination. Not sure what where you're supposed to deposit your poo. 

We spent two days in the area we're going through now and the final day I had a headache I couldn't shake. I was breathless and panting as I am again now, I discovered as I walked down the back to the servicios. Everyone tells us that we have to become acclimatised to the altitude, but I was still breathless when I returned to Arequipa after having already spent three days there and at higher altitudes in the Colca Valley. 

I'm sorry to have split with Alex. He's turned into a good travelling companion. I miss him already. 

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