Saturday, July 2, 2016


Friday 1/07/16

In Colombia already without a single post from Peru. Will have to catch you up on Peru later. 

Me encanta a Cartagena. Beautiful colonial buildings, tropical flowers, hot, hot, hot and steamy. Breyner sent a message to say he's on his way. 

Went for a walk on the wall last night just after sunset, ate a meal of coconut rice and drank a pina  colada that was much stronger than it tasted, and I was awake at 1 am, worrying that I hadn't left a tip in the restaurant. 

The streets were packed. Most tourists seem to be Spanish speakers, probably from other countries in South America, I'm guessing. The locals are the descendants of the colonisers and African slaves. Wish I knew a little more about the history. I think a trip to the museum is in order today. A little research to do now. 

Breyner arrived this morning (Saturday 2/07/16) and we visited the Gold Museum and the Museum of the Inquisition, and had fish for lunch. Grace to arrive tonight. 

1 comment:

  1. woo~ South America! Far far away!
    I like the photo of orange sunset very much.
