Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Out with a Bang (and a whimper)

My sojourn here is coming to an end, and I can only be happy that recent events did not happen earlier.  

At Satpura National Park we went on five bone-crushing safari rides, looking for the elusive tigers. No tigers were available to please the tourists. Plenty of deer, birds, wild boar and finally, a sloth bear. The tigers, we were told, are more likely to be seen in summer. (With temperatures in the high forties in the summer, it's extremely unlikely that I will ever see a Bengal tiger in the wild.) 

Yesterday afternoon, we took a ferry to the "core zone" in Satpura National Park, and then another bumpy ride, but still no tigers, though I did see a pygmy spotted owl--and managed a photo in the headlights of the gypsy (jeep), though sadly, my photo will never reach the light of day. More about that later.

As we got on the ferry to cross the river and return to our accommodation at Forsyth Lodge in Satpura N.P., I heard one of my fellow travellers burping very loudly, many times. I thought it was strange because he had been generally quite a polite man. Then he began projectile vomiting into the river. When we got to shore, I discovered that his wife had also thrown up. I wondered when the rest of us would succumb.

We had dinner, minus the vomiting couple, while we watched a David Attenborough doco shot in Satpura N.P. Then I went back to my room and began vomiting myself. I slept very little that night.

The next morning, after a four-hour drive to the station, we took a seven-hour train ride to Agra. I drank Sprite all day and couldn't eat anything. I dozed a little--very little--on the train, but slept well, almost immediately, in the hotel in Agra. 

I was so tired that I didn't realise that I hadn't brought my camera off that train. So, while I still have my wildlife camera, I don't have my street camera and lenses. I'm sad, but It's a job for the insurance company now.


  1. Oh no! That’s really awful All that travelling you had to do while you were unwell I hope you are back to your old self by now.
    And your camera! Don’t suppose that there’s a remote possibility it would have been handed in to lost property . What a setback to happen when the holiday seemed to be going pretty well. I guess you will be able to shoot the Taj Mahal at least.

  2. Yes Elizabeth. I shot the Taj with my phone like everyone else and it wasn’t half bad. Our leader made sure we got there when the sky was still blue, before the polluted cloud descended for the afternoon.


  3. Hello Maria
    I hope you are better now.
    I wonder what caused the vomiting.
    I'm sorry to hear you lost your street camera and lenses too. You love that camera.
    What a disaster!
    Hopefully you can celebrate your Birthday with some good news.
    You poor thing!
    Sophie XXOO 🤗❤️❤️

  4. Oh no... Lo siento. Este día no ha sido el mejor para usted. Primero la vomitada...¿Qué pudieron haber comido para que se hayan puesto a vomitar los tres? Muy seguramente todos eventualmente vomitaron ese día.

    Por otro lado, siento mucho lo de su cámara. No entendí muy bien si fue que la olvidó en el tren o se quedó en el hotel mientras usted ya se había ido. De todos modos, un hecho muy lamentable.

    Espero que ahora se encuentre bien.

    Nuevamente, feliz cumpleaños.
