Sunday, October 27, 2024

In Satpura National Park

 Yesterday we came here to Satpura NP from Jabalpur. Here it’s quiet, beautiful. Jabalpur was noisy, smelly, but I took the opportunity to have my wishes granted by the goddess  when I sent out a floating oil lamp on the sacred river Narmada. We witnessed the prayer ceremony on the ghats. 

This morning we went for a morning boat ride on the river, looking for wildlife. Very soon we’re going on an afternoon safari. We still haven’t seen any tigers. Keep you fingers crossed for me!🤞


  1. Awesome .The right spot on the planet for wish making.

  2. I hope so, Elizabeth. Had a couple of setbacks lately, as I'll write about in my next.

  3. Hello Maria
    What a beautiful ceremony.
    I hope the Goddess grants your wish.
    Sophie XXOO
