I'm not very afraid but I'm not very comfortable in this playground of sun and sea and sand. The post title is meant to conjure for you, dear reader, the paranoia-inducing atmosphere of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" by Hunter S. Thompson. Not that this writer has swallowed anything for which she could be arrested, but she feels confused and a little off-balance.
This place is like no other I've ever visited, nor would I have chosen to be here unless the Clingon's plans had brought me.
Downtown, where I decided to stay, it is a cacophony of noise and traffic, and while it is possible to cross the wide wide streets, it's not easy, nor is it safe. It reminds me of what I hated about Marrakesh, only there the streets were narrow. Here the main drag is six lanes. There are great roundabouts and broad unfinished "nature" strips down the middle. (The nature strips are dusty crushed limestone, I think.) There are a few pedestrian crossings but the motorists don't stop at them unless there is a cop standing there blowing a whistle.
So tonight I thought I would look at the other part of town (where I decided not to stay) because I felt like a quiet drink, and didn't fancy trying to traverse the noisy stinking miasma which covers the downtown area.
Mr Google told me the bus numbers I needed to get to the hotel zone, just not where to get off when I reached it. The bus driver seemed eager for me to debus; he asked me if I wanted The Peninsula, and I thought that maybe I did.
So I got off, crossed an even wider road than those I had experienced downtown, and walked back along the footpath in the direction the bus had come. Couldn't see the words "The Peninsula" in lights, but instead two or three of the humongous lit-up structures in a row had the neon name "Riu" identifying them. That was all I needed. If it looks like a duck, and quacks, it probably has a bar (you know what I mean!)
(OMG what a noise coming from the inside bar area. All lined with ceramic tiles and shiny surfaces. Impossible to relax with all that din. Just as noisy as the traffic-clogged streets that I'd escaped downtown.)
So I front up to the bar and order a gin and tonic. When I try to pay, the barman tells me it's all included. I tell him I'm not staying at this hotel, but I'm not sure whether he understands me, or if it's too difficult to take money with the present "all inclusive" arrangement.
So that's where you find me tonight, sitting on the verandah with the smokers because it was too noisy inside, enjoying my second G&T.
Now comes the big decision. Am I going to walk out, get the bus downtown without paying for the drinks? It's getting noisy out here now too: a Scandinavian motormouth has been telling a very long and loud story at the next table for the last 15 minutes; or am I going to make a second attempt to pay? (Having a flashback to when I was caught shoplifting make-up, in DJ's when I was 13 and how mortifying it was when I was detained by the store security guy.)
So just made a second attempt to make the waiter understand that I want to pay for 2 G&Ts; no! I don't want 2 more G&Ts, I want to pay for those I've had. I could walk out, I guess, but I really would not like to spend the night in a Mexican gaol if security picked up an unfamiliar face on the CCTV. A face making an exit to another venue after enjoying "all inclusive" at this one. Would put a whole different light on my holiday.
Made another attempt to pay for the two G&Ts, which resulted in the waiter bringing 2 more G&Ts, but I can't get completely tanked tonight. I've got a tour starting at 7 a.m. tomorrow.
Cough! Smoke is burning my eyes. I'm out of here.
Waiting for the downtown bus now.
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