Last morning away. Sitting in "The Mall" in Darwin, just outside a shop called "Paspaley", which is a very common name here. It's the largest pearling company in Australia, starting in W.A. in the 1930's, but now diversified into lots of other industries.
Interesting for me is the fact that the founder of Paspaley, Nicholas Paspaley Senior MBE, is the son of Theodosis Paspalis, who brought his family to Australia from Castellorizo, in 1919. This must have been about the same time that my grandfather, Alexandros Harmanis, he of the eagle nose and fabulous watch chain which I inherited from Mum, also arrived in W.A. from Castellorizo, and started working in the same industry, pearling. Alexandros also ran his own boat. Wish I knew more about him but my surviving uncle was too young then to remember much, one of my aunts doesn't remember much at all these days, and the other goes into a racist diatribe every time I meet her and leaves me depressed for days. Maybe the Mormons have records? Wish they'd do my story on "Who Do You Think You Are?"
Got a 3rd email from Alex today. Poor little blighter upset and sad. Carlos, apparently, isn't any more charming in his own environment than he was in Sydney. I think Alex is considering hombreicide.
Gotta go, wash, pack, and vacate the room. My Flickr friend, Tony, will pick me up and deliver me to the airport.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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